Movie Time by NIE

NIE, an initiative of the Times of India, organised a screening of the movie “Spiderman Far from Home” in the month of September for the students of Stds. IV –VIII at the Golcha Cinema Hall, MI Road.
The students enjoyed the movie which was funny and exciting with amazing graphics and a strong moral promoting truth, dealing with and defeating deception and valuing human life.
It was a welcome respite for the students after the I Term Examinations.

Teacher’s Day
Springfield School organised a picnic for the teachers at Swapanalok Resort
The teachers enjoyed an entire day together. It was a time to catch – up on a personal level and to let their hair down.
The water – sports, snacks, DJ music, magic show, horse riding, camel cart rides, traditional display of various dance forms, the delicious snacks and the sumptuous lunch brought a smile on each face, making the outing worthwhile.